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PTM World Congress 2022

News - 1 June 2022
PTM World Congress 2022

International congress with lectures and insights on preventing hypothermia during anesthesia

The PTM World Congress is an international congress with the latest insights and lectures on Patient Temperature Management (PTM), with the aim of preventing hypothermia during anesthesia.

Over 130 people from 26 countries will participate in the convention. The participants consist of strategic Business Partners of The Surgical Company PTM, accompanied by clinical specialists from various countries. Never before have we managed to bring together such a unique and important group of speakers for a conference on Patient Temperature Management.

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Our clinical speakers:

  • Andrea Kurz : From Hypothermia to Normothermia in Surgical Patients, the 30 years story of Outcomes Research.
  • Anselm Brauer : Perioperative hypothermia in children: Historical background, actual problems, and actual prevention strategies.
  • Dan Sessler : Aggressive Intraoperative Warming Versus Routine Thermal Management During Noncardiac Surgery: the PROTECT Trial.
  • Maximilian Schnetzinger : Bacterial contamination of water used as thermal transfer fluid in fluid warming devices
  • Leif Saager : Green OR, now and in the Future
  • Hein Daanen : Assessing the temperature of the human body core
  • Juan Zaballos
  • Medhat Shalabi : The vital role of PTM in ERAS
  • Andrew Melling : Nice guidelines and how to use them
  • Stijn De Leener : An exploration of NICE guideline CG65 in light of recent research and recommendations for successful implementation
  • Thorsten Perl : Blood and Fluid warming

A visit to our new production facility in Almelo is also part of the congress. The congress lasts for two days: Thursday 2 June and Friday 3 June 2022, until 1 pm.

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