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Listening to the end users is invaluable

News - 22 November 2022
Bas van Beek

Bas van Beek "Listening to the end users is invaluable!"

“The Fluido® is one of the systems that was developed in collaboration with the end users, that’s plain to see,” according to Bas van Beek, anaesthesiology nurse and Superuser PTM in the Queen Beatrix Regional Hospital in Winterswijk (NL). He has been one of the Fluido® users from the outset and now has over twenty years of experience using the patient temperature management solutions provided by The Surgical Company PTM.

Light and heat

Due to his personal interest in the field, Bas has spent decades studying patient temperature management. Bas: “I’ve seen a lot in this field, but for me the use of Fluido® to heat liquids really stands out. Back in the day – and even now – it’s a very simple device to operate, which greatly reduces the risk of any problems with the liquid that is given to the patient, because you are working with light and heat. During the early years in particular, other companies used a water bath, which was less accurate and reliable. As the Fluido® does not use water, there is no risk of leaks or infections.”

Impossible to imagine working without it

The benefits mentioned above were the reason for the Queen Beatrix Regional Hospital to opt for Fluido® at the time. Bas: “Another argument was the reliable flow; the amount of liquid that is released. It was – and still is – well within the margins that we work with, even though the current infusion protocols are very different to those used twenty years ago. We purchased several Standalone and Compact Fluido® devices for our ORs and Recovery rooms. These matched seamlessly with the treatments that we perform here. The Fluido® Compact is used on a weekly basis here. In addition, there is a Fluido® Standalone in A&E and we frequently use the Fluido® Irrigation System in our Urology department. This is used at least four days a week, and it’s impossible to imagine working without it.”

Operational within one or two minutes

Several of the Fluido® systems at Queen Beatrix Regional Hospital have been in use since 2003. Bas: “And the users are still completely satisfied with these systems. The temperature and the flow are fantastic, but another important advantage is that they are easy to operate. I can safely say that the device is “idiot proof”. Everyone can work with it, and nothing can really go wrong. Particularly with the Fluido® Compact, everything can be operational and ready for use within one or two minutes. The other Fluido® systems require a little more preparation, but it’s still much faster than in the past. These liquid warming systems have therefore become a permanent fixture in all our patient temperature management protocols.”

Collaboration and a pro-active approach

Bas appreciates the fact that he and other end users were able to collaborate in the development of the Fluido®. Bas: “You can really see this in the device and in my opinion that is an important advantage of the methodology implemented by The Surgical Company PTM. This is how they truly distinguish themselves. In practice, I’ve often encountered situations where a new device is simply flung onto the market and you as end user are left to fend for yourself.

"You can create a real advantage by collaborating and adopting a pro-active approach in the development of new products. The Surgical Company PTM listens to the end users, even during the development phase, and that is invaluable!”"

Bas van Beek

Anaesthesiology nurse and Superuser PTM in the Queen Beatrix Regional Hospital in Winterswijk (NL)

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